"Ryan Runs With The Black Wolf Bear" is the story of a boy who cannot see his own reflection. From an elder's advice, Ryan learns that he must seek the guidance of the Black Wolf Bear, but doing so requires facing that which he fears. Through his journey, he learns that fear need not be conquered, but appreciated, which will ultimately reveal the authentic self.
Written with adult prose, and a child like theme, the tale restores the art of adults reading to children. The rhyme and meter are fun to read and the story's experiences feels connecting with those who share it. Inspired by the familial respect that the Sioux culture extends to all living creatures, the story reminds us that nature is always there to mirror us.
And in Ryan's case, literally.
The specified reading level was selected for kindergarten, as this is the intended audience for the story. However, the book was written with a structure and vocabulary that promotes adults reading to children.
Ryan Runs With The Black Wolf Bear
The books is 8.5" x 8.5" paperback. There are no staples binding the book.